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Welcome to my therapy practice. I'm Sanjana Prasad, a counselling psychologist.

I help women go from 'confused' to 'empowered' in relationships, and resolve long term patterns that keep them from finding healthy love.


I hope to help you heal from experiences/situations that are no longer serving you, and empower you to own the answers that you already know deep down.

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'Anyone can be anything' ~ Judy Hopps, Zootopia

I was born and raised in Chennai by Malayali parents in a traditional Tamil neighbourhood. Growing up, I picked up traditions, customs and habits from both cultures and felt a constant struggle in identifying with just one, when anyone asked me where I was from. This continued to be the theme of my life, owing to a full blown existential crisis when I moved to Bangalore, the melting pot of so many cultures. 


Bangalore gave me the opportunity to blend in, without any judgement and be whoever I wanted to be, no questions asked. I shed a few labels that I closely held on to in the fear that I would lose a sense of identity, only to realise that it did the opposite.

Bangalore was my city of discovery, and through many experiences, I got to internally explore who I really was, and be at peace with everything I came to know about myself.

Through this experience, I did my own self work to rework some patterns that were holding me back into owning myself and my identity fully in relationships. I experienced healthy love and kindness that made me realise that it is possible to change the patterns that kept me stuck in unhealthy situations. As your therapist, I hope to be able to create a sense of safety to help you do the same! 

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We have all had those situations in our lives where we've contemplated taking professional help. You've probably reached my page because you're considering it. If you've thought about it, and if you feel that you need someone to help you see things with better clarity, you would probably thrive with professional help. When you're too close to your issues, it's hard to look at them clearly. It's like standing in front of the Eiffel tower and only being able to see a portion of it. Working through your issues with a therapist is like looking at the Eiffel tower from a distance. It helps build perspective, and encourages you to take necessary action.

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Home: About Therapy

Please note that I DO NOT answer distress calls or offer emergency services. If you are looking for emergency services, please reach out to the following helpline -

Sneha Suicide Prevention Helpline - 044 2464 0050


I am currently seeing all my clients online. Do not contact me/book a session with me if you're looking for someone to do in person sessions.

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